วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

New genotypes adapted to cold and water deficit conditions

ASD has a long tradition of developing new oil palm varieties adapted to different environmental conditions. More recently, two new trials were planted in highlands at 1,200 and 900 meters above sea level in the mountainous region of San Vito in southern Costa Rica. The first of these trials was planted in an area that has high precipitation and the other in a site where there is a marked dry season. A replication of all genotypes was planted in the lowlands of the Coto experimental station. The varieties planted were Deli x Ghana, Deli x Nigeria, Bamenda x Ekona and Tanzania x Ekona.

Bunch production has just began in these plots, but in the highlands it has been clear that vegetative growth and precocity have been better in the Bamenda x Ekona and Tanzania x Ekona varieties (the mother palms of these varieties were originally collected from highlands in their respective regions of Africa). Nevertheless, in the lowlands (where vegetative growth and precocity have been better) all varieties have performed similarly. We will keep you posted on any new developments from these trials.

